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The History of Cold Brew Coffee and Its Rise in Popularity

MS Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate is another entry in a long and diverse history of cold drip and cold brew coffee. We’ve studied what’s come before us to better create a delicious and unique cold brew for our customers today. While enjoying our Coffee Concentrate, have you ever wondered how cold drip started? And how did it have its meteoric rise of popularity in recent years?

Cold drip has a rich multicultural history, which extends to its conception. While there is some debate on the exact origins, due to lack of records, it is suggested that the Dutch traveled with a potent cold brew concentrate since it would be easier to keep on long voyages. The Dutch had good trade relationships with the Japanese around the 1600’s and are thought to have introduced this concentrate to them.

Japan took to the cold brew coffee process running; with a strong history of cold brewing tea using fresh cold river water, they expanded to using this method with coffee as well. While the exact evolution from cold brew to cold drip remains unclear, it became wildly popular in Japan- especially so in Kyoto. So much so that records of the “Kyoto Style” cold brew have been found dating back as far as the 1600’s!

As for cold brew’s drastic rise in popularity, many trace it back to the early 2000’s; while it was a relatively well known brewing process and beverage, it’s thought that the rise in specialty coffee shops finally gave it the spotlight it deserved in the public coffee consciousness. The fact that it’s convenient and quick, while still maintaining a premium flavor, means that its popularity has only risen over the years-especially with the younger crowd; so much so, that its popularity has increased in the ballpark of 300% in the past 10 years!

Could you have guessed that Cold Drip has such interesting origins and dates back so far? Or about its rise in popularity in the past 20 years? We’re proud to keep the tradition of the process alive in our own Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate!