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Slow Brewed for Smooth Sippin'!

Campside MS Cold Drip

Aaah camping! A time honored past time; whether for recreation or challenge, with family, friends, or as a solo excursion, it’s an amazing way to get back to our roots and get closer to nature-as well as teaching you to truly appreciate many of our modern amenities! You may think that enjoying a perfect cup of coffee in the morning is something you’ll have to wait until your return to civilization to enjoy-I’m sure all of us who have been camping have our own horror stories of trying to brew coffee over a campfire, light and confidence in our eyes as  we imagine a perfectly brewed cup in our near future to enjoy as we watch the sunrise crest over the horizon-only to crash and burn back to reality when ending up with a beverage tasting more burnt than a liquid has any business being. Don’t worry, your coveted sunrise coffee session is much closer, and much easier to accomplish, than ever before-and it’s all thanks to our MS Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate! Easy to store, easy to transport, and easiest to make-no matter what your camping set up, enjoying a delicious cup of coffee in the morning has never been easier. Just add one part concentrate to two parts hot or cold water or milk-don’t be afraid to adjust to your preference-and you’re ready to go! Never miss another moment in nature due to lack of proper caffeination-pack MS Cold Drip Coffee Concentrate for your next outdoor excursion!

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